Friday, June 1, 2012

A Country of and for the People, or a Country of and for the Profits? Which is it? It would seem, given the nature of the debate these day that the People have little to do with the Country? Are we debating the skyrocketing poverty rate? No, we are talking about the virtues or lack there of Private Equity! Is Private Equity about people? No, its about Profits! Why are we so focused on Wall Street and not Main Street? Why is the debate all about the imaginary "job creator"? There is no wealth without labor, and there is no supply without demand! It seems, in our effort to preserve profits for the few, we have forgotten the needs of the many!

Private Equity is neither good nor bad, it is a type of business venture designed to generate profits. It has very little to do with "we the people". It has even less to with promoting the general welfare of the People. It is for, and profits the few. People are not a part of the profit equation. Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Credit Default Swaps, and massive global gambling have no positive effect on anyone trying to find a job or actually build an upwardly mobile life. These mechanisms and gimmicks are aimed at wealth preservation, not job creation, they produce no goods or services. Corporations are not People. It is a legal entity designed to raise money, minimize risk to investors, and generate profits! People do not enter in to it, any 1st year business student could tell you that. But, now we are so far gone that a Corporation is person, and profits mean more than People.

Labor, or People for our purposes are seen by Profiteers as "Just in Time" resources. To be used and cast aside as profits dictate. Seen just as so much lumber, metal or plastic as might be used as needed to full fill an order. Why do we place business and their profits above people and their needs? As if by magic or some as yet unseen streak of generosity and compassion business and profits suddenly care about people. Oh, business may say it cares about its people, but in the bottom line you are just another number on a balance sheet.

The divide between what is good for Wall Street and what is good for Main Street could never be further apart. Until we get away from the attitude that profiteering for the few means prosperity for the many this divide will not close. Until we get back to "We the People", the Corporate Plutocracy will continue to prevail, and profits will trump people every single day of our enslaved lives.       

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