Monday, August 31, 2009

Heavy Lifting

Soapbox Light: As the Republicans run for cover on the health care reform bill I felt a little history lesson was in order. My friends any of the heavy lifting in this country is done by Democrats. Do not take my word for it check it out: (1) Social Security opposed by Republicans
(2) Meidcaid 1965 widely opposed by Republicans in the final vote only 13 voted for it. (3) Minimum wage always and constantly opposed by Republicans (4) Work place safety always in the opposition and minority view (5) Opposed child labor laws (6) Opposed organized labor throughout history (7) Opposed Equal Opportunity Act. I could go on but you get the point. Do not take my work for this go do some brief research and you will find that where a working person is concerned the heavy lifting has never been done by a Republican and it will not this time. Democrats will have to unite and ram this down there pie holes as they have had to do with any meaningful piece of legislation this County has every done.

Compassion Lost?

Light Word: Compassion: sympathetic consciousness of others' distress with a desire to alleviate it. I pondered this word in my head as I mourned with my family the death of Ted Kennedy. As I listened to his life eulogized it struck me that this was a man of very rare compassion and what a loss it was to a nation so in need of it. Questions began to emerge in my mind. Who will pick up this mantle and champion the cause of the disenfranchised working poor of this country? Was this man the last Lion of compassion? I hoped not but I have fears. A story came to me shortly after the funeral of a homeless woman whom my Aunt knows and has been trying to help. This poor lady has a small pension of $945 dollars a month and was told she made to much money for food stamps. I looked this up and the food stamp program is a U.S.D.A. program that was designed to promote American commercial agricultural products and is not and was never intended to be a welfare program. So how was it made so? And how can a woman of such low means be denied access to a program that at one time most Americans qualified for? Have we moved so far to the right that we have lost our compassion? Can a program that was designed to promote capitalism be stood on it's head to such a point where profits are still made but no benefit is given? How poverty stricken to you have to be in this country to receive some sort of compassion? When a woman of sixty is pushed into the streets due to a lack of means what does that say about us a society? We call out selves people of faith be it Christian, Jew or Islam and we are all people of the Book. But are we our brothers keeper when we allow things like this to go on? If a person has to make below this to qualify what nourishment could they possibly be given at that level. Ponder the current health care debate and ask where is the compassion? We only seemed to be concerned with protecting a very profitable industry. The right seems to possess something they call "compassionate conservatism" but I think we have all seen how far that extends as poverty has grown and the gap between rich and poor has become The Grand Canyon. As 1% of the population has taken 66% of all compensation dollars the only thing we as a country are worried is protecting the gold mine for the wealthy.
Ted Kennedy may have been a wealthy man but he and indeed his whole family seemed to possess compassion in spades and this county will sorely miss him. The compassion for those with less must be carried on if we as a nation are to survive. We as individuals must carry this forth in our daily lives our we will surely become the sauce for the goose on a very wealthy persons plate. Find some way to practice some random act of kindness that shows compassion for you fellow humans beings and to it today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Light Box: This photo was taken at one of the recent town hall/tea bagger gatherings and is an example of the ignorance surrounding the health care debate. To say nothing of being quite funny. The one sing say it all "We have no idea what we are talking about."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Light History: The first motto to appear on our coinage was not in "God we Trust" it was "Mind Your Business" the former did not appear on coins until 1864. It did not become the nations motto until 1956 when Ike made it so. Stupid American History
Went to see "Inglorious Basterds", save your money on this one folks. It made no sense in some of its violence the story line was bizarre and there was not enough Brad Pitt. Having said that he was very good and quite funny in the parts he was in but the movie needed more of it. In addition the actor that played SS Major Lund was quite good and completely over the top. However those are the only redeeming parts of this highly formulae Tarantino junker. I did go to see Julie & Julia again and I cannot say enough about it. This is a very funny and superbly acted film.
North Light: Went to the Laguna Art Festival over the weekend. If you are ever in Laguna Beach during the summer months this is cannot miss event. The fantastic art displayed here in so many different mediums cannot help but enlighten ones day and lift your spirits. Bought a new art piece of the Beatles by one of my favorite artist at the festival Kelly Akins, he does great sports and portrait art. Search for him on the web and check out his stuff. And the next time your in Laguna Beach in the Summer do not miss this great art festival you will be glad you did.
Soapbox Light: Some further light needs to be shed on the health care reform debate. The Republicans are not going to go along with any reform whatsoever and are hoping to stall the effort to death through lies and fear. Looking at today's example of Senator Tom Coburn's town hall meeting in which an lady gave a tear soaked plea for the Senators help. You see her husband is brain damaged and was recently thrown out of the care facility he was in by his insurance company. And off course the good Senator had nothing for her but more empty hot air about how the government is not the answer. What what is certainly not the system she is in. Is this the best we can do? However it appears the Republicans may not be the real bad guts here. It is shaping out to look as if the so called Blue Dog Democrats are going to kill this through there lack of guts and political will. Let me give you some names: Kent Conrad, Evan Bye, Max Baucus, Blance Lincoln, Ben Nelson, Claire McCaskall. These people are all trying to kill this much needed reform. Keep in mind that all of these people have taken huge amounts of money from the health care industry. The health insurance industry had seen a 1000% percent increase in five years. My friends these people are stealing from you and in the long run going to kill you in the name of profits. We could pay for this with the money we spent on two years of war in Iraq. Are they telling us Iraq is a better place to spend our money than the U.S. citizens health. That would appear to be the case. You must get in touch with these Carpetbaggers and insist they do the right thing. Otherwise you will be like the proverbial mushroom kept in the dark and fed BULLSHIT! This all reminds me of a quote by Simon Cameron "An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." And people these so called paragons of the Senate have taken the money and ran leaving you in the dark. Do something about get informed, get involved and make your Senator do the right thing.
Light Quote: "Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be no better governed that we deserve." George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Foot Lights: Went to see the movie Julie and Julia, what a great film. Meryl Streep is awesome as Julia Child, Oscar stuff for sure. I laughed so hard my face hurt. Growing up watching Julia Child it presented a side to her that I found very funny and quite charming. Amy Adams was great as Julie Powell, she is very funny in her kitchen meltdown scene. Further, the Cobb salad lunch was hilarious. As a bonus Stanley Tucci's acting is a home run. This is a very funny movie that makes you feel good about having seen it. Take someone you love to see this movie you will be glad you did.
Light Humor: In 1937, Gertrude Stein proposed that Adolph Hitler be awarded the Noble Peace Prize. Now that is funny stuff, strange but very funny!

Light Quote: "The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear." Aung San Suu Kyi

Light Moment: This headline was actually printed in the sports section of the newspaper."Gators to Face Seminoles with Peters Out". I wonder what the games attendance was?
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader 12th addition

Soapbox Light: Last week several events occurred in the political scene that require some new light. This week on "Meet the Press" ignorance reared its ugly head in the person of Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. My head nearly exploded as Sen. Coburn stated "we do not need health care reform, we have the best health care it the world". This statement is patently false and needs to be illuminated. Here is the shocker Sen. Coburn is a Doctor! Ignorance dressed as an educated man spreading fear and lies, clearly not walking in the light. According to a recent World Health Organization survey we rate 37th. Let me say that again 37th, a far cry from number one! Yet the countries we malign that have national health care all rate better than the U.S. That's right, I said it Canada, Great Britain and France all have better health care delivery systems than we do. With France being number one. Who is buttering Sen.Coburns bread. Could it be the insurance industry, big pharma the AMA or all of the above. Lord knows millions are being spent in attempt to kill this reform. With that in mind we bring up are next Lord of Darkness. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, now here is a man who has taken over two million dollars from the insurance lobby and claims to be a fair dealer. Yet last week this paragon of lies and fear stood before voters in Iowa and said Grandma should be afraid of the Health Care Reform "Death Panel". Folks there is no "Death Panel"! This man is scaring people into believing his lies and deceit. My friends, in the only bill to pass, the house bill this panel does not exist. Further, in his earlier support of the Bush 05' Medicare Rx rip-off bill he supported a similar voluntary program to provide "counseling only" to patients that asked for end of life counseling. Keep in mind this monument to honesty and integrity is on the Senate finance committee and any law would have to go by his shining moral clarity!
Just so you all do no think we just pick on Republicans. Here are some Dem's shrouded in shadow. Ben Nelson has opposed any serious look at health reform and has expressed doubt about supporting any single payer legislation. He to has taken large contributions from the health care industry. Earlier in the year he helped defeat the bankruptcy cram down bill that would have helped troubled mortgage holders. This was done as a payoff to the banking industry whom he had taken million from. Fifteen other Democrats joined him in this shameful vote. The Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus has taken over two million from the health care lobby. He refused to even listen to single payer advocates at the recent so called committee hearing on health care reform. That's right folks they did not even listen to any single payer advocates. Another dark star for the Democrats is Senator Kent Conrad this is the moron that proposed the health co-op. What the hell is a health co-op, there is no such animal. Further as of today this paragon of the public interest said there is no support for single payer in the Senate and there never was. Here's the straight skinny, all of these empty platitudes are designed to water down or outright defeat any legislation so as to protect the industry that has helped line their pockets so nicely with your money.
I would ask you to note that the CEO's of the major health care companies average 11.5 million a year in salary. The Insurance Industries profit has risen 1,000 percent over the last five years. Did you get that a 1000%! Do you think they have an interest in defeating this reform. The insurance industry has plenty to spend and they are spending it on both sides. In the final analysis one must ask what value does the insurance industry add to the health care formulae. Their motivation is pure greed!
The President is another politician moving into shadow. During the campaign he stated he would not sign any bill that did not have a single payer option. Well as you can see his talking heads sent out over the weekend are quickly tap dancing away from that position. The Presidents has said recently "single payer is a small sliver to the overall picture". Boy, that is singing a different tune. Is that change we can believe in? My friends if you voted for Obama on this issue let him hear from you. Do not let him sell us out to the moneyed interest of the insurance industry.
My friends the fix is in! This so called health reform bill will be no reform at all. The only law your are going top see passed is a bill that requires all Americans to have insurance and they must buy it from private health care providers. There will be no cost reforms. There will be no competition. The whole thing is going to be one big pay day for the health care industry as it will mandate coverage and widen their customer base. We must not let this corruption stand your lawmakers are selling you down the river for money. Protest this corruption as a nation of people who are tired of the fear, lies and deceit that seem to be the bread and butter of political speak. Insist that the right thing be done for all and not just those that have profit as a motive. In the end we must as a community decide if it is right to profit off the pain and suffering of other human beings. If the answer if yes then we should refrain from calling ourselves a Judea-Christian society. Insist in the right to health care.

Light Fact: Over the last eight years 1% of the population received 66% of all available compensation dollars.

Light Reading: "What's the Matter With Kansas" by Frank Rich
This is a very insightful, humorous and sometimes painful read. However, it is startling it its truth. Rich talks of privatizing profit and publicising risk, something I think we have all seen ad-nausea over the last year. The author solves a great mystery and answers the question, why will people of low economic strata vote repeatedly against their self interest? Mr. Rich illuminates the falsehood in the statement "what is good for Wall Street is good for Main Street. If you have ever wondered at the rationale of the average American voter this book if for you. It reads quickly and is done in a humorous story telling manner that revels some frightening but illuminating facts about politics and manipulation in American political culture.

Light Music: Found a great vintage album recently; Henry Mancini's Music From Peter Gunn. Folks they do not make music like this any more! This is s sweet martini grove! Every cut is perfect and will take you to another time. Fallout is especially cool with the music hitting the stratosphere. I am usually a straight rock and roll guy but this record kicks ass! Go ahead give it a listen as an added bonus you might find it in the bargain bin, I did.

Light Box: The state of medical care in America today. This picture published by the Los Angles Times shows an event at the LA Forum last week where 7,000 people were treated for free over a week long period. The event was sponsored by Rural Access Medical a non-profit out Tennessee to provide medical treatment third world countries. Over the last two years RAM has saw a need to operate here in the U.S. RAM sponsored a similar event last month in West Virginia where Americans without means were treated in stock pens! Is this a picture of the best ran health care system in the world?