Friday, April 2, 2010

Natural Light: Rose Colored Glasses

These Pink Roses are so well protected by their natural defense I thought it presented a beautiful contrast between the beautiful and the grotesque. Nature at her best!

Illuminating American Politics: A bad week for the Right

As this week started the hypocrites on the Right seemed more exposed as ever as a mad dog movement of rabid hate filled dogs. Do not take my word for it. Look at their actions this week. Take the Right Wing Christian Zealots that were going to kill Policemen as they were the minions of the Anti-Christ. Couple that this week that 24% of Republicans feel the President is the Anti-Christ and you can see a recipe for some damn stupid behavior. Apparently though these do not read their own scripture as true Christians are supposed to be Raptured before any of that Anti-Christ, Armageddon stuff occurs! I guess they planned on missing the Train for the greater good. One scary fact about this arrest is that Right Wing hate groups if this type have risen drastically over the last year to a downright freaky 244%!

Next we had the GOP giving us the Sterling moral example of spending donors money at a West Hollywood S&M strip club that simulated bondage! Huh! These are the guys that are preaching some imagined Puritan morality. What a great way to show a country in economic stress that you get the message about excess and greed.
Further, as it is revealed that the passing of the Health Care Bill did not lead to Armageddon, Burning Skies or the releasing the Four Horses of the Apocalypse, no Black Helicopters flew to arrest people in the night. No UN Secret Police patrolled the streets of America to take us to the Socialist Indoctrination Camps. We did however see the opposite from these Whack Jobs on the Right. We saw an angry mob of white people screaming ugly, racial slurs at African-American Congressmen. One particularly hateful fellow spit in the face of one Congressmen. If you were it remove the color on the video and add a couple of dogs it would have been Selma Al circa 1963!
These is the leadership that America is looking for? So bizarre vision of the World applied through some type if Pretzel Logic that would have the Prince of Peace toting an Assault Rifle! Telling us you represent Christian moral values while you blow thousands at some Sado-Masochistic Nightclub and justify that as a fund raiser. Wow, quite a moral example one all of America should follow not doubt. Lastly what is the vision of hope and positive example the Right gives us. Where do they hope to lead the Country in the future. Fear and hate are not a recipe for success. As the saying goes lead follow or get out of the way! And absent any positive vision for America the Right should just get out of the way!