Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oxymoronic Behavior: Most of of America is LABOR. Very few of us that are LABOR are wealthy. Yet, increasingly we vote against LABORS interest. We vote to give our selves less and less say in government, trusting corporations to do the right thing for us and by us. When that is not their mandate and never will be. We vote against the voice of collective bargaining. Basically making ourselves deaf and dumb! Union membership sits below 10% of America's available LABOR! And yet, LABOR slices its own throat, so that the wealthy may continue to thrive. Counter intuitive, oxymoronic behavior! As someone that has watched LABORS power wane over the last the 30 years, along with our wages and jobs. I am baffled by the American electorate. Voting repeatedly to enslave their self interest to that of the Corporate American Plutocracy! Snake Oil anyone?
From the 80's onward the Profiteers have assaulted LBAOR! And we whom LABOR have shouted right along with go ahead, kick the hell our of us. As someone that LABORED since the age of 13 I find this ruinous thinking sub-moronic! Last night in WI we voted to Fuck ourselves again! The Right says Collective Bargaining is not a right. You see you have already given them to the impetus to erase LABOR completely. You are just another resource, called "Human Resources". We, as LABOR may as well be called "SOYLENT GREEN"! LABOR, has become so much corn to be shucked and cast aside. Something you use, abuse, burnout and throw away after you have extracted all the profits you can. 
Wake up! American LABOR you are sacrificing your working life blood on the alter of the wealthy. You have made yourselves just so much grist for the mill of gross, profiteering, capitalism! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Five Easy Pieces: 
1. Increase taxes from 15% of GDP to 20% of GDP.
 Why won't this happen? The GOP is kissing Grover Norquists ass on refusing to raise taxes!
2. Cut spending from 24% of GDP to 20% GDP, these two measures will balance the budget. 
Why won't this happen? No party is willing to cut the 700,000 Billion dollar defense budget!3. Sell 1 Trillion Dollars worth of US Treasury Bonds (at 0-1%) and plough that money into 
infrastructure, increasing demand for materials and labor. This should be a no-brainer so we have no logical reason for our leaders to be opposing this action. It is a testament to their collective political stupidity. 
 4. Reduce to 0% the tax rates on the 1st $20,000 of income, increasing consumer demand. Again a easy toss, these folks cannot afford to pay taxes anyway, and all their money gets spent in the economy. 
5. Start WPA, YCC and CETA work programs to get American youth working, further increasing demand! Why won't this happen, the GOP will call Government take over. They would insist private contracts be given for any of his type of work. Further, they do not give a damn about America's struggling youth. They are too busy mining them for future enslavement and profits. 

Our Economy does not suffer from a lack of supply, it lacks Demand. The private sector is sitting on over 2 trillion in cash, record profits and continued low taxes. The supply side has plenty. So where are these "job creators" with the jobs? We have been hearing of them for over 10 years now but, they seem as illusory as the Unicorn! Why with all these resources is the supply side sitting pat? There is no DEMAND in the Economy to buy their product and services! No same business person builds inventory, and stacks supply hoping for demand! The steps listed above would light a fire under that DEMAND side, creating Demand from everything from steel to work Boots.

Any Economy has three legs to its Economic Milking Stool; 
1. consumer spending, currently non existent, and formerly 70% of the Economy! So they are not increasing Demand. 
2. Private sector spending, industry, commerce etc. They currently posses huge windfalls in cash, totaling over 2 Trillion Dollars. They borrow money at very low interest rates but refuse to invest one dime. They are not increasing DEMAND as they refuse to spend!
3. Government Spending; the goods and services government provides. Food Stamps, WIC, VA Benefits Public health care worker, teachers, firemen, policemen have all been cut, and will be cut some more. Over 600,000 government jobs lost in the last 2 years. Government employment is at an all time low. Across the board all sectors of the Economy are spending less. How does this create demand. How does this lead to anything but further economic contraction. You cannot suspend all three legs of Economic growth and expect good outcomes. 
Do we have a deficit? Sure, but it is not our biggest problem! Getting Americans back to work is the problem of most dire concern. The deficit is a long term issue and can be solved with simple fixes. Some state in the 5 Easy Pieces. For instance a simple 2% increase to the payroll tax solves SSI for generations to come, so does means testing or raging the age requirement. But SSI is not our most pressing issue. Jobs and increasing DEMAND are!   
The solutions are right there, waiting to be picked up! Our leaders are just too corrupt, bought and paid for to do the right thing. Since 2009 the Banking Industry has spend 319 million buying your government! The Medical Insurance Industry; 145 million. Big Oil 90 million! Do you think this money is working for "we the People"? Do we want more fairness in the system? Do we want to improve the economy? Increase Demand, not supply! Can we comprehend these simple Economic concepts in time to save ourselves? Can we stop the corruption before it eats like cancer? Are we starting to get the picture? DEMAND is the problem, not supply! Wake up America, the GOP and the Wealthy are blowing sunshine up our ass! We need to implement this 5 point plan and restore the DEMAND side of the once vital, fair and growing US Economy. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Country of and for the People, or a Country of and for the Profits? Which is it? It would seem, given the nature of the debate these day that the People have little to do with the Country? Are we debating the skyrocketing poverty rate? No, we are talking about the virtues or lack there of Private Equity! Is Private Equity about people? No, its about Profits! Why are we so focused on Wall Street and not Main Street? Why is the debate all about the imaginary "job creator"? There is no wealth without labor, and there is no supply without demand! It seems, in our effort to preserve profits for the few, we have forgotten the needs of the many!

Private Equity is neither good nor bad, it is a type of business venture designed to generate profits. It has very little to do with "we the people". It has even less to with promoting the general welfare of the People. It is for, and profits the few. People are not a part of the profit equation. Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Credit Default Swaps, and massive global gambling have no positive effect on anyone trying to find a job or actually build an upwardly mobile life. These mechanisms and gimmicks are aimed at wealth preservation, not job creation, they produce no goods or services. Corporations are not People. It is a legal entity designed to raise money, minimize risk to investors, and generate profits! People do not enter in to it, any 1st year business student could tell you that. But, now we are so far gone that a Corporation is person, and profits mean more than People.

Labor, or People for our purposes are seen by Profiteers as "Just in Time" resources. To be used and cast aside as profits dictate. Seen just as so much lumber, metal or plastic as might be used as needed to full fill an order. Why do we place business and their profits above people and their needs? As if by magic or some as yet unseen streak of generosity and compassion business and profits suddenly care about people. Oh, business may say it cares about its people, but in the bottom line you are just another number on a balance sheet.

The divide between what is good for Wall Street and what is good for Main Street could never be further apart. Until we get away from the attitude that profiteering for the few means prosperity for the many this divide will not close. Until we get back to "We the People", the Corporate Plutocracy will continue to prevail, and profits will trump people every single day of our enslaved lives.       

Thursday, May 31, 2012

In Search Of The Nanny State: Where is this "nanny state" the Red Wing Nut Right so often rants about? What is the "nanny state" exactly? I see 48 million Americans living poverty. Do they have a "nanny state"? I see 150 Million Americans living at or near poverty. Do the have a "nanny state"? Most importantly, nearly 15 million American children – 21% of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level – $22,050 a year for a family of four. Do they have a "nanny state"? 
Tell us do America's students facing cuts to education, and trillions in debt for the privilege of learning have a "nanny state"? Do the parents, that pay more and more out of pocket cost to send their children to public school have a "nanny state"? Do those American's sitting homeless today have a "nanny state"? Do the 16 million Americans out of work and in dire need of re-training have a "nanny state"? How about the veterans that are committing suicide for lack of treatment in mental health, do they have a "nanny state"? Every social program that seeks to feed or house our people is under attack by the Red Right Wing Nuts. Is this a "nanny state"? Programs for food cut, but programs for bullets expanded. Is this a "nanny state"? Would love to know where this "nanny state" exist in American today? The so called "right to life" party, the same mental giants that gave you the term "nanny state"! Wake up American the GOP is blowing sunshine up your ass! Their is no "nanny state", there is however a corporate welfare state of "plutocracy"!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Known By The Company You Keep: Remember when your Mom used to tell you that? We see clearly the company Mitt Flops keeps: he knows some NFL Team Owners, some NASCAR Team owners. He knows Donald Trump, Meg Whitman, and the Koch Brothers! He knows CEO's and Private Equity Mangers! We know the company Monopoly Man keeps! But, does he know you, the working class American? Snake Oil anyone?
Blinding American Decadence: Today Plastic Man will hold a fund raiser at Princess Meg's home (pictured). This is the Robber Baroness whom spent over 20 million dollars trying to buy the California Governor's office. It's hard to fathom decadence on this level, this something out of the European Aristocracy that created the French Revolution. Why on earth would you need to build a monument to yourself on this level? Can people with this much Wealth possibly understand the plight of the Poor or the Working American? The World of the Wealthy and the World of the Middle Class are a Universe apart!!! Welcome to the Plutocracy and the New Gilded Age! You asked for it America, and Trickle-Down has delivered. Decadence at its worst. We have already heard they don't care for the Poor, will the next word be; "let them eat cake?" Do you think these folks care about our everyday struggles. I can promise you they do not. Wealth preservation and living beyond mere excess is the order of the day with these folks. Do you need any more proof than this? How many elevator's do you have in your garage? The sad thing is, this is most likely just one of Princess Meg's homes. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Illuminating Progressive Taxation: Why do we collect taxes? Mostly to pay for War and its wealth destroying costs! The 1st taxes levied paid Revolutionary War Debt. The Constitution allows the government to collect taxes for the following reasons; "to pay the debts and provide for the common welfare of the United States." 
The History Of Income Tax: How did we get an Income Tax? Abraham Lincoln the father of the GOP gave it to us. You see, he had a War to pay for. Imagine that, paying for a War! Whom did the tax apply to? The top 1% of income earners! Holy shit, a Republican pushing a progressive tax to actually pay for something! Seems todays GOP has lost its historical origins. In 1872, the Lincoln Income Tax was struck down. However, in the 1890's the American people by overwhelming majority brought it back. Why? Because it applied only to the Super Wealthy! In 1894, they passed a 2% tax on all personal and corporate income over $4,000 per year. Very few American were in this income class, so progressive taxation was established to pay our War debts and help the general WELFARE of the Nation! What has changed, why do we now see the Wealthy as sacred cows, not to be touched, why do we no longer raise revenue for WAR?
T.R. The Great Tax Collector: The 1894 income tax law was struck down in the Supreme Court, but the issue did not go away. Populist and Democrats supported the new tax, the GOP opposed it. Who brought the Income Tax storming back, the GOP giant Teddy Roosevelt! In 1908, T.R. broke with his party and called for both income and inheritance taxes!!! What has happened to todays GOP? They brought us the Progressive Tax System that pays for our countries debts, and general WELFARE! Now they wish to shift those burdens to the poor and the working class! Why?
War Taxing The Masses: How come we now tax millions of Americans income? WAR!!! That killer of wealth and men! Yes, the reason that started it in the 1st place expanded income taxes massively! World War I, left the Nation with a 19 Billion dollar debt! This debt had not been paid before we engaged in WWII! More debt, more taxes! The Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq!!! The last two wars, no attempt was made to pay for them! So we charged that to the credit card! $700 Billion dollars a year goes to Defense, more than half of what we spend yearly! If we hate being taxed on a massive level, stop starting WARS!!! War breeds taxation, the bombs and bullets must be paid for..... some day! We have been riding an ever escalating machine of War sine our Countries birth is the largest generator of our debt and the level of taxation we have. Very little has been spent on the common welfare of the Nations people. Seem it is time we changed priorities.... from WARFARE to WELFARE! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Light Of Peace: As we approach this Memorial let us look to the light of Peace at long last. For too long we have been bogged down in the destructive device of War. A Peace Rose for all veterans, so that  they may now some tranquility, love and peace after their long struggle. As we move from the darkness of War, into the light of Peace let us give thanks to those that gave so much, and knew so little Peace over the last decade.
Sun Light And Spring: Wild California Poppy growing at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden in Clairmont, California. 56 acres of wilderness in the city, all California natives. Make the trip, you not be sorry!
Light Up Or Leave Me Alone: It was revealed recently that the President and his High School buddies used to free their mind with a little of God's Herb. By contrast, Monopoly Mitt and his buddies appear to have enjoyed bullying suspected gay kids. Chasing down one poor youth and cutting his hair. The President appears to have liked smoking weed, chasing women and playing basketball. Now that is Americana! The Mitt Flop seem to have enjoyed persecuting people, North Korean Style. Mitt Flop, Light up or leave us alone! You need it bud, you are one uptight, homophobe..... maybe your magic underwear are too tight!
Things that bring joy to my life, as illustrated in the mixed media art piece. Original 13 x 11 Ink and colored pencil.

Massed Cocoa

A mass profusion of Cocoa Roses. Fantastic color, this should Lighten any day. Enjoy