Thursday, March 25, 2010

Natural Light: Rose Colored Glasses

A beautiful Rose to offer up what is beautiful and tranquil in the World as an offering to those who cannot see for the fear and hate in their eyes!

Spotlight On The Hateful Right

Well we have seen what the Tea-Baggers and the GOP represent and it is ugly. The Right Wing Nuts would take us back to days of fear, hatred, racial and civil intolerance. What a pretty picture the GOP and the Tea-Baggers paint of Democracy in action, if you don't get your way burn the house down, toss these haters out this November. This is not what it means to be an American. What happened to being able to win with the power of your ideas. When anyone resorts to violence, vandalism or hate speak they have already lost the argument. The rest of us Americans must resist the temptation to sink to their level. We must stick to the marketplace of ideas and continue to present a clear path to progress and Social Justice. This country has seen this kind of intolerance before and we must fight it with all out power with the weapon of words and debate not hate and fear. These people who call them selves Patriots are not what they claim to be if so they would present their ideas within the framework of this countries ideals of Democracy and Representative government. As we have seen where the Right would take us we know that is a path wrought with pain, suffering and misery this country does not need to revisit. All Republicans must be sent home this fall their ideas of hate, fear, bigotry and intolerance this country does not need. Vote this November against hate send a Republican home!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Natural Light: Rose Colored Glasses

This stunning pink and orange Rose screams out that Spring is here. Helping you see the day through Rose colored glasses! Have a great day!

Illuminating American Politics: What is Going On With The Right

As the Right ran rampant and reckless from 2000-2008 the rest of America let them have their day in the Sun. As they ran the countries business with their hands off approach to all things from Foreign Affairs to Financial Regulation, America was of a mind to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now that their ideas have proven to be a disaster for the country and we seek new direction, the Right acts like twelve year old school yard bullies. The rise in hate groups in 2009 rose an astounding 244%, with the number of hate groups reaching 942 across the nation. What motivates this astonishing increase in hate speak? The the Right Wing talk show bullies like Beck and Limbaugh do not help, speaking hate and intolerance on a daily basis. The GOP politicians are a big contributor shouting out rude and uncivil insults during public debate. Shouting out things like "Baby Killer!" or "You Lie!" do not make for good public example. These Dim-witted lawmakers on the Right must know that their hate and intolerance will be magnified through the megaphone of the mob mentality that they encourage.
When lawmakers who are merely trying to do the right thing for the American people as a whole, they should not have bricks thrown through their windows! They should not be called Faggot, Baby Killer, Nigger, Communist or any name for that matter! Their families and homes should not be exposed and targeted by dim-witted bubble heads who are seeking to cash in. These people should know better and that people will take what they say as real and act upon their paranoid delusions. We are a better people than this and have lived through horrible times of intolerance, enough so that we should as a nation know better! So again I ask, what is wrong with the Right!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Light Humor

This is my sentiment toward Trickle Down Economics! Created by my friend Mike Quest.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Light Haiku

Haiku to Civil American Discourse:
With Fear And Hatred We Shall Not Respond...
It Is Like Drinking From A Stagnant Pond!
It Is Un-American And We Are Not Fond!
Can we stop the hate speak it is not who we are as a people!

Studio Light

A little art piece I created from the surf tune "Farrowest" dedicated to the coming of spring and coming Summer Sun and Surf. Reach out live, touch and protect nature! She will love you back.

Stage Light: HBO's The Pacific

Two episodes into the new HBO series The Pacific and I am amazed. HBO had produced another winner. Following the lives of several U.S. Marines through their collective experiences in the Pacific theater of operations in World War II the series tells of war in a gory sort of poetry. Indeed the series in highly reminiscent of the great war film from the 1990's "The Thin Red Line", the cinematography is very similar. However, this series is better in that it has a reel feel for the humans involved and a sense that you are with them in this horrific experience. As with "Band of Brothers" you like these guys and you want them to survive. They are the guys you grew up, played ball with, surfed with.
Last nights episode detailing the exploits of Marine John Basilone was stunning in its human portrayal, a very real trip into a bloody battle in which a man questions his survival over that of a close friend. No false heroics or shallow glory. Actor John Sada brings this great American hero to life in very real terms. Actor William Sadler bring legendary Marine Col. Chesty Puller to life in a much more compassionate man than I previously thought, I have always thought him a vain glorious nut job who got people killed. The Puller shown here seems to care a great deal for his Marines.
This is a very good series and should be given a watch as it shows the very high price by very young men to preserve freedom in the World. Another HBO winner, these folks know how to tell a great story and on some occasion it may actually be true.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Illuminating American Politics: Final Push For Health Care Reform

After seven decades of effort it seems as if our Country is on the verge of something historic. We could pass a Health Care Reform Bill. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it is a start and given the fierce opposition to the effort probably the best we can get now. However, we should not let the perfect become the enemy of the good. We must take this and improve upon as and when we can like all things American it is a middle of the road starting point.

What does this Bill do? Well it will provide the mechanism by which 32 million Americans can access the Health Care System. As scored by the C.B.O the Bill would cost 980 Billion dollars and is paid for in 10 years. The savings would amount to 110 Billion in the first ten years with savings soaring to over 1 Trillion in the second 10 years. The Bill will provide a Pool for all uninsured to buy insurance from the private sector, hardly the socialism we hear of and these companies will make significant profits from this system. Many of us would have rather had a single payer system but the Right was ready to burn the house down over this moderate approach. The Bill will provide a system for which insurance could be purchased across state lines while protecting the individual State Laws. Further, the Government insurance pool should drive the cost of insurance down for all. The Bill also provides for progress on TORT reform. The Bill is endorsed by the AMA, The Catholic Nuns and numerous other medical and charitable organizations.
Is this Bill to big a move for the Government? Hardly. When you look at the Bush tax cuts of 01' and 03' they amounted to 1.8 Trillion Dollars. These tax cuts were not paid for and added significant debt to the U.S. deficit. These cuts went to the wealthiest Americans and were twice the cost of Health Care Reform. Just allowing these cuts to Sunset would pay for Health Care. For all the claims from the Right that they did not have a say so in this Bill it sure has their fingerprints and ideas all over it. So as usual the GOP is a bastion of double talking hypocrites.

In closing since the President engaged upon this courageous effort over a year ago 47,092 Americans have died due to a lack of Health Care Coverage. If this were a terrorist attack would we insist on action now! We claim to be a moral Country but we send thousands of Americans to their deaths every year in the name of greed and high profit. Last year the Health Insurance Industry insured 2.5 million less Americans and increased profits by 56% percent. 1.5 million Americans are refused insurance because of pre-existing condition. WellPoint made 4.7 Billion in profit in the 4th quarter of last year. Private Health Insurances main function is to make profit not treat people. This is achieved by taking the money of the healthy and denying treatment to the sick. It is a corrupt system and be reformed. In these final hours towards it's passage please call your congressmen and urge passage the vital Health Care Reform. You can find your Congress member at this website // Thanks and keep pushing for change for the better. You know progress!

Natural Light: Pink Freesia on the Rocks

Today being the first day of spring we will celebrate with Pink Freesia on the Rocks. Go and out and bring some light into your day. Happy Spring everyone for some of you on the more frigid regions I am sure this feels like a long time coming. Have a great day!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Natural Light: Sunburst of Color

Todays dose of Mother Natures Bounty. What a glorious sight to behold, awesome color. Have a great weekend!

Illuminating Bad Policy: Need for Banking Reform

Read an article in the LA Times today, that in a deal with the Justice Department banking giant Wachovia agreed to pay a fine of 160 million for Money Laundering. The company agreed to pay the historic fine as long as company officers would not be prosecuted. Huh! Still think the Banking Industry needs no reform and that it is an honest broker. We bailed these crooks out. Oh this was on the back page of the paper. Stupifying!

Light Hailku

Haiku To the Working Class American:
Of Social Justice And Equality We Speak...
A Level And Fair Playing Field We Seek...
You See For The American Worker The Cup Of Prosperity Has Sprung A Leak!
Since 1979 income for the top 10% has risen 283% while a working person gained nothing or in the case of the American working male he lost 5%. Eat the rich if you get hungry.

Illuminating American Politics: What smelly fish to eat?

If one can accept the notion that as Mark Twain said; "Politics is the last refuge of scoundrel." then for most us it becomes of choice of what smelly fish to eat. So what day old smelly fish do we choose? Well obviously it would be the one best preserved and smelled the least. Well if you are not a part of the wealthiest 10% that would leave you struggling like the rest of us, that answer is pretty clear.
Let us start with what fish not to eat. The one on the Right decidedly smells bad. This reeking carcass has never provided any sustenance for the working man. Quite the contrary it is the great sucker fish of The American Dream. This Mud Cat opens it's great maw and sucks at the efforts of others until they are dry. Does this hulking beast look out for others, no it does not. It has resisted any improvement over time to increase the economies of others through a steady diet of Greed, Avarice and Gluttony. Did they champion anything for the common man? No, this stinking hulk has always looked out for those that could afford to buy it's great girth. The Wealthy. They did not vote to pass Social Security, Medicare, Minimum Wage, Financial Regulations, Workplace Safety, Equal Rights, Civil Rights or any other measure that has the taint of Social Justice, for them maintaining the Status Quo is all that matters. This fish may look good due to its great girth, but is surely bloated and gaseous and it will cause you great harm. The Mud Cat looks to feed the parasitic, fetid fat beast that counts on low taxes, low wages and greater productivity so that it might increase it's already Gross weight.
Let us look at the fish on the left. While stinky it has a decidedly less offensive odor than the Great stinking Mud Cat. This fish looks to sustain the masses in more even handed manner. While great in size, it is willing to leave a little more in the pond to sustain the rest of the population. It has built the Social Safety net that others would see destroyed so that they may enjoy a richer life. Always looking out for the worker instead of the owner. Always looking for a cleaner less muddied area to swim. Trying to provide for all instead of the few. Always looking out for those that may look and act different but have value for that diversity. Always looking to change and progress as they know to stay static is to die, one must keep swimming.
So while the fish on the right may look fat it is full of shit and is bad for you. Eat the fish on the left it smells less and will not leave you puking in disgust at the end of the meal.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Light Haiku

Haiku to Hate Filled Heartless Inhumanity From Our Friends On The Right:
Sick and Ill An American Pleas For Help On The Corner...
Other Citizens Deride And Abuse Him, As If He Were A Shabby Stoner...
As Far As Their Compassion Goes He Can Die A Loner!
Poem to the Hate filled Inhumanity on the right. And I bet they all go to Church to.

Studio Light

I created this funny spoof at Terrorism as it takes a more Peaceful herbal solution to the problem of terror. Strictly for entertainment purposes only you understand.

Natural Light: Rose Colored Glasses

Looking at the World Through Rose Colored Glasses. The only way.

Light Humor

Two American housewives are chatting over coffee discussing the ones marriage of both her son and daughter in the same month. As she congratulates her friend she asks "What kind of man did your Daughter marry?" "Oh, he is a wonderful man, lets her sleep late everyday, she goes shopping whenever she wishes, beauty parlor weekly, and they dine out nightly." The Mother replies. "That is just wonderful." says the friend. "And your Son?" The Mother says, "Well that Woman is just wretched! She Sleeps in every day, shops to point of poverty, spends all her time at the Beauty Shop, and makes him eat out every night! It is just terrible!"

Light Hailku

Haiku the Great Republican Hypocrite Mike Pence:
Mike Pence Speaks From One Side Of His Mouth And Then The Other...
It Makes One Scream In Exasperation "Oh, Brother!"
This Is Why Americans Wish To Throw The Bums Out And Choose Another!
A little poem to the political art of double speak.

Illuminating the Health Care Debate

As Congress approaches a vote this week on Health Care Reform some final illumination is needed. First we must ask ourselves once and for all is the caring of a sick human being a right or a privilege? If we are the Christian society many of us believe us to be the answer must be yes.
So if we can accept that premise then all that needs to be decided is how to deliver upon that ideal.
Most other countries that have went down this path have used the single payer model. All of these systems succeed at varying degrees in providing basic health care to their citizens. We are the only major industrialized country that does not. So what would work for us given our penchant for market based solutions. Well the obvious answer is some sort of social/market hybrid. Similar to the Canadian or French models. The current approach seems headed in this direction. Private insurance will be the big winner here but in this country noting gets done unless everyone gets paid. Not exactly a human approach but a very American one. In this very middle of the road approach everyone appears to getting something and giving something. Now the process has not been pretty as the making of sausage never is. But sadly some very heavy lifting had to be done by one political party as the other for political gamesmanship decided not to play. As with all American legislation this will be neither left nor right but somewhere in the middle.
What do we know of the current market based approach? Well we know it leaves 30 million Americans at risk everyday. With that number increasing daily. We know the current system kills 122 a day, 44,530 a year. We now that the insurance industry insured 2.5 million less Americans while increasing profits by 56%. We know companies like WellPoint made 5.4 billion dollars profit in the fourth quarter while raising rates for some it's customers by 39%. We know of an industry that will deny and cancel the coverage of sick people. We know that in state like Texas over 25% of the population have not insurance. We know that in most states they have a virtual monopoly on the business. Is this a free market? Is this a market that has the interest of their customers in mind? Given the the evidence the answer must be no. Conclusion the current Market based system is unsustainable and is killing the people it is supposed to serve in favor of high profits.
What's in this bill? While not perfect, this bill has much to get us down the road to a sustainable health care system. It will allow the purchase of insurance across state lines with protections for state law. It will allow for TORT reform and look to limit liability of malpractice lawsuits. It will form a Government pool for the 30 million uninsured Americans so they can purchase insurance at affordable rates. It looks to emulate best health care practices and duplicate them across the system. The Bill further creates a much needed health care data base that aid in the elimination of costly duplicate or over testing. While not being all things to all people it is a start. We can not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Lets us take this and with all things American make it better over time.
What the bill is not? Simply put this is not Socialist Bill, as some would have your believe. This is a market based approach where believe me the capitalist interest will get paid. It requires all Americans to PURCHASE insurance, nothing will be FREE. Let me repeat that, nothing will be FREE. This is the biggest Myth the opponents to this much needed reform would have you believe. In closing any objective unbiased look at this would see the standard, pure Vanilla middle of the road, Mom and Pop approach to anything this country has ever tried to do. Hey, what the hell I like Vanilla!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Illuminating Bad Politics

Further Shattering the Myth Of the Fiscal Right Wing Consevative:
Who was the 1st President to blow the Billion Dollar mark in the U.S. deficit?
Republican Warren G. Harding, through a combination of tax cuts for the wealthy and tariffs on imports. The policy was continued by Republican Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Herbet Hoover until the marginal tax rate was effectively zero. Party Time, then the hang over of 29'! Bummer! With the U.S. coffers dry the goverment had no leverage to deal with the Depression!
Who was the 1st U.S. President to blow the 1 trillion dollar mark?
Why that would be the poster boy for the right, Ronald Reagan. He and his buddy George Sr. hit the 5 trillion dollar mark. All this while giving Americans the largest tax increase in U.S. history!
Who is the Daddy of all Deficit spenders? Why that would be "W" increasing the deficit by 77%. Giving 1.8 trillon dollars to the wealthy and killing an economy. Leaving office with a 10 trillion dollar debt. Keep in mind this giant of a mentality started with a 200 billion dollar surplus, so he had to work at it.

Who are the only two U.S. President to run Zero or surplus budgets? Andrew Jackson 1835 and Bill Clinton 2000.
Maybe the GOP should give bill a call and find out how to run a government. I understand he has offices in New York.

Light Humor

A young Hillbilly goes off to collage the first in his family. After a few short weeks he finds himself short of cash in the big city. So he dreams up a way of duping is rather naive but well heeled Redneck Father out of some much needed cash. He calls his Pa and says, "Pa you just ai'nt gonna believe what they got at this here college!" "Do tell Son" replies the Dad. "Well they got a program up here that will teach Ol Duke to read." "Youze a joshin me Son!" yelps the Dad. "No It is true just send me a $1000 for tuition and come summer Ol Duke will be a reading up a storm!" "Ok, Son I'll get er done!" so Dad sends the $1000. However, in not time Jr. has burned through the grand. So he comes on another great scheme and gives old Dad a call. "Guess what Pa the reading is going great. Ol Duke is reading "War and Peace" as we speak! But, listen Pa he is doing so well they want to teach him to talk." Dad is stunned, "To talk really, I always knew that Hound was smarter than he let on." "Yeah, Dad just send $3000 and come summer Ol Duke will be a reading and a talking!" Dad says "Son, you just can't beat that with a stick, can't hardly wait for summer!" As Summer rolls around Jr. has a problem, Ol Duke can neither read nor speak. Suddenly as if hit by lighting he jumps up and shoots Ol Duke! He buries the Dog then drives home for the summer.
As he walks up to the old home place he eyes his Pa and says "Pa, I have grim news. As I was getting out of the shower Ol Duke was reading the paper before we left when he leans over and says to me, So Jr. is your Pa still screwing that big chested Red head lives in town over on Oak street?" Pa's eyes light up and he shouts "I hope you shot that lying Son of Bitch!"
"I sure did Pa, right on the spot!"
"That's my Boy, good job Jr."
A Peace Rose going out World wide. Wishing a Peaceful, fruitful life for all. Don't let the Sun catch you crying!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Natural Light: Hanging Out In Corona Del Mar

Light Humor

On old Framer grabbed a five galloon bucket and headed down to his prized trout pond to feed the fish. As he got close to the pond he heard the squeal of young ladies. As he looked at the pond he realized that they were swimming naked in his pond. Not wanting to embarrass the young ladies he made himself know by making a racket. As the young ladies peered up a him they became startled and swam to the deep end. One of the young ladies cried out, " We are not getting out of here until you leave!
The Farmer said "I am sorry ladies I did not come down here to see you naked or to chase you away. Gosh, I came down here to feed the Alligator." Proving once again that a man may be old but he can still think on his feet.

Illuminating Bad Priorities

This morning the Kansas City School District announced it would close half of it's schools. In California they are proposing 4 day school weeks. Across the nation our school systems are being crushed by the weight if this recession. Why in every economic downturn to we punish the future so the few can thrive. As we Bailout Wall Street we punish Main Street. The Banking industry has received 13.5 Trillion Dollars to stabilize that industry. Is the education of American youth at least as important as bailing out Fat Cat Bankers on Wall Steet? How will we compete in an ever competitive World labor market if instead of increasing education funding we decrease it? The President allocated a 100 billion is Stimulus money to help fill the gap but the short fall for our nations schools is so great that it barely made a dent in the problem. More resources are needed and fast!
The problem is that we continue to fund our schools in the main from property taxes. As we all know what has happened to property taxes over the past few year. Others methods of funding must be found. I propose that Secretary of Education Duncan convene a high level meeting of the minds from all areas of American endeavor and find a way to avert this crisis. We all complain about out jobs going to countries like India. Well the reason for that is India has made this investment in education that enables it's citizens to gain the skills needed to attract industry and investment. In the 80's India doubled down on education and as a result today they have the technical brain trust needed to excel. While in America our High School dropout rate increases!
I am not sure how we turn this trend around but it must be done. With disregard toward political outcomes a new solution must be found. We are punishing those to whom we will be handing the stewardship of this country to. It is my belief that our nations youth are more valuable than anything that currently presides on Wall Street.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Illuminating the U.S. Deficit: The United States has always ran a deficit, beginning from the birth of the nation to the present. Over two hundred years! There have only been two U.S. Presidents to leave a zero deficit or budget surplus. Andrew Jackson achieved a zero deficit in 1835. Bill Clinton averaged a 1.7 billion dollar yearly surplus, leaving office with a 200 billion dollar budget surplus. Notably both men are Democrats. The first President to exceed a billion dollar deficit was Warren G. Harding a Republican. It is important to note that after World War II and the Great Depression President Truman through President Carter dealt effectively with the deficit. In 1980 the U.S. Deficit was 980 Billion Dollars. When President Reagan and Bush left office twelve years later the U.S. Deficit was 5 Trillion Dollars. In addition to exploding the Deficit these gave is the largest Tax increases in U. S. History. As previously indicated Bill Clinton was a Deficit Hawk. When "W" take office he explodes the debt with unpaid for tax cut in 01' and 03' and 1. 8 Trillion Dollar to the Deficit. Two unfunded Wars, the Iraq War 3 Trillion to the Deficit and still counting. Afghanistan in the Trillions. National debt when "W" leaves office, 10 Trillion Dollars. Under "W"'s leadership and Republican rule the Deficit exploded 77%, the largest increase in the nations history. The next time a politician talk about deficit listen to who' s talking and remember there is a history to look at.
Sources. The U.S. Tresury, Wikkapedia
Haiku to the odd morality of Rep. Stupak:
Rep. Stupak Holds Us Hostage For A Narrow Anti-Abortion view...
With 122 Americans Dying A Day This Morality Is Askew...
If Your Going To Take A Moral Stance Take One Constant And True!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monty Python's Every Sperm is Sacred

Haiku To The Thieves on Wall Street:
One Percent Takes All The Money...
Life's A Party, Sweet As Honey...
Coldly They Say To The Rest Of Us..."I got Mine! Piss Off Sonny!"
Footlights: Did anyone watch the Oscars? Was that lame or what? What was up with that whole dance thing? Interpretive Dance? WTF? Ben Stiller in Avatar make up? I was embarrassed for him! Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin were pretty good however. Having seen both top nominated films I must say I was disappointed. The "Hurt Locker" while very good did not have the entertainment impact that "Avatar" did. My other favorite movie of the year "Sherlock Holmes" received hardly a mention. I will need to see"Crazy Heart" however as I missed that one. Understand the show received high ratings but I thought one of the worst Oscar presentations I have seen. What are your thoughts?
Shining Light on the Myth of "Tickle Down" Economics:
Since 1980 our country has been following one constant philosophy: Give all the breaks to the supply side and they will create a economic tide that will lift all boats. After this thirty year experiment looking at the surface one would have to say no, this is a myth. But are the numbers able to prove this? Well you could look at the gap between rich and poor.
If we go back and examine the period from 1979 to 2005, a period of time where national output more than doubled, did wages increase for the working as a proportion to the productivity increase? The answer is a resounding NO! After tax income inched up just 6% for the bottom fifth of American workers after inflation. While it rose 21% for the middle fifth and 80% for the top fifth. The top 1% received a massive 228% increase. To quote economist Paul Krugman "It's a great economy if you're a high level corporate executive or someone who owns stock. For most others Americans, economic growth is a spectator sport."
If we look at 2005 median income levels for non-elderly households incomes failed to raise adjusted for inflation fro five years in a row. Even as corporate profits doubled over the same year. Sine 1979 hourly earnings for 80% of American private sector non-supervisory jobs has risen just 1%. For the American Male worker his hourly wage dropped 5%! If wages had kept pace with productivity the average American worker would be earning $56,000 a year instead of the current average of $36,000. The Nations economic pie with out a doubt increased over this time but the American worker did not get a bigger piece for their efforts. In fact they got a thinner slice and the investor took the lion's share.
For those of you that favor the philosophy is this what you signed up for? An ever increasing gap between rich and poor. At some point the masses will not be able to afford the products that Wall Street may wish to sell them. I think that is referred to as "Killing the Golden Goose". Economic studies show that income inequality in America is so vast that it resembles more that of a third world country than the richest economy in the world. In America 50 million poor working class folks live at or below the poverty line. Twenty percent of families with children under six live below the poverty line. These are everyday working Americans on the bottom of the rung. Still think all boast are being lifted? In 1937 as FDR took his second oath of office he stated; "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is wether we provide enough to those who have to little." The working American is being "Trickled Down" on but it is not prosperity that he is feeling it smells funny and is unpleasant! Can we end this experiment now! I think we can safely say it is a nightmare for most Americans.
One World is enough for all of us... it may seem a million miles away... but it gets a little closer everyday. From the song "One World (Not Three)" The Police

"This One Goes To You & Yours Worldwide... Hey Im' Gone Today But I'll Be Back Around The Way... Seems Like Everywhere I Go The More I See The Less I Know... But I Know One Thing That I Love You." From the song "Say Hey (I Love You) Michael Franti & Spearhead. Expresses my feelings exactly, have a great day everyone!